Why You Need Security Awareness Training for Threat Protection

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Why You Need Security Awareness Training for Threat Protection. Did you know that according to Microsoft, cybercriminals have attacked around 20 percent of small to medium-sized businesses?


The reason for this is that they know they can make a lot of money from this. Around $400 billion is estimated to be lost to cyber criminals globally each year.


Moreover, Cybercriminals don’t discriminate: any business can be a target. Besides, not only can they cost you an important amount of money, but you can also suffer the loss of your data. This, in turn, leads to reputation damage and leaves you exposed to legal action. However, that’s not all, in the worst-case scenario, they can destroy your company and put you out of business.


Innatos - computer with a personWhy You Need Security Awareness Training for Threat Protection? Unfortunately, it’s common knowledge that around 59% of cybersecurity breaches happen due to the actions of an employee. As such, they can fall prey to events like:


  • Phishing scams
  • Opening unsafe email attachments
  • Not keeping passwords safe
  • Downloading malware
  • Spreading viruses, etc.


What’s even more worrisome, is that companies can avoid or prevent all of this before it happens. For this, they must create a culture of security awareness.


One of the best ways to do this is by teaching employees about security risks. Companies should often reinforce the importance of being safe while working. Thus, they must talk about the dangers of lax security and the consequences of it. They should also tell their employees about what types of threats they should look out for.


What can you do to avoid this?


Companies should include cybersecurity training in the learning process of every new employee that joins it. However, it shouldn’t stop here. The more time passes the most likely is that employees forget about this training. Thus, the company must reinforce this so that they don’t forget.


Innatos - Why You Need Security Awareness Training for Threat Protection - computerSo, consider often sending hints, tips, and reminders to your staff about cyber threats and what to look for. For this, you can use different tools. Why You Need Security Awareness Training for Threat Protection? For example, you can use DeskAlerts pop-up notifications since they are impossible to miss or ignore.


You should also ensure that the whole company focuses on its security. As such, every employee should know that they have an important role to protect it. They must be aware that the company expects them to do so and that this goes from the very top down to the most junior employee.


Have in mind that to do this, you may need to change your corporate culture. However, it’s important that your senior managers show their leadership and “walk the walk” and “talk the talk”. Only in this way will the juniors learn and take it seriously.


Managers should be careful not to say negative things about any added security measures that are in place. An example of this can be having to often change passwords. They should lead by example.


Added benefits, Why You Need Security Awareness Training for Threat Protection?


An added benefit of having security-conscious employees is that when you do have a security breach, you will be able to control it. This way, less damage is done. The reason for this is that they’ll better understand what a security breach is and know how to report it. Overall, you should experience fewer security breaches, or ideally, none at all.


Why You Need Security Awareness Training for Threat Protection? Besides, depending on where you are in the world, you may have a legal duty to enforce awareness training. Not only that, but you may even have to put some specific measures in place within your organization. This is due that some laws require businesses to have formal information security awareness programs in place.

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