Plows – CRM Software MEXICO

Developed by: INNATOS GROUP

A company needs clients in order to be successful. Having the best possible relationship with your clients is the path to business success. It’s key to have an excellent and efficient management of clients and prospects in order to form long term, lasting relationships with them. 

Innatos knows the challenge of customer relationship management, so we’ve released a CRM software called Plows – CRM. Custom CRM software has the sole intention of helping you improve our customer relationship processes and everything related to it.


Our Custom CRM is a very versatile solution for your business

It’s not just about having a company’s information or the phone number of your contacts. Plows custom CRM is about having an organized and centralized database with all the information that your company acquired through contact with clients and prospects. With Software CRM Mexico, you will be able to get joint operative information with commercial information. In addition, you will have the ability to keep organized your individual and group agendas. Custom CRM Software in Mexico will also help you separate the types of clients in order to come up with more effective marketing campaigns.

  • Thanks to Plows – CRM, an owner or sales manager will be able to visualize the follow up of the sellers and detect accounts that haven’t been tended to. They will also be able to massively assign clients or prospects to certain sellers and keep track of all the information for any contact, account or prospect.

  • Each seler will be able to keep a registry of appointments, calls, mails and events of each of their contacts. Afterwards, they can capture the obtained result after calling their clients or search for clients or prospects close to their current position.

  • Furthermore, Plows – CRM can be used in english or spanish. This will give you an unified follow-up platform to those businesses that have both national and international operations.

  • We also help clients connect different ERP softwares. This way, a seller will get operative information and billing in a single screen.

Security with CRM Manufacturer

Plows – CRM has more than a access security at screen level. It can also be defined if a seller can see the information of another sellers and the type of access with the Custom CRM. For example, if the permission will be of reading online or both reading and editing. This will give total control to the personnel in charge of maintaining the information with Software CRM Mexico.

The best quality and price in Software CRM Mexico

The catalogue of staff can be used to define the mail address of every user and also if they have permission to erase accounts, contacts or prospects.


In Software CRM Mexico, it is very easy to re-assign accounts or leads to other sellers. And it can be done massively or selecting just what is needed with the custom CRM. Custom CRM is very useful when you need to re-assign a whole commercial zone or when a seller is leaving the company also we have other types of Software Solutions like DeskAlerts.


Innatos Systems Group the best Systems Solution

This high-quality system called CRM Manufacturer allows you to see different elements on a single screen, where you can consult the most relevant account and prospect information with Software CRM Mexico.

Make your activities more Effective and Fast

Our Plows – CRM software in Mexico is designed so that a seller or sales manager can see, in a single screen, all of the relevant information in order to make correct decisions.

In addition with our CRM Manufacturer, you can see the posicition of the seller at the moment in which an activity was registered. This activity might be a call, a task or an event in the Custom CRM. This is done in order to guarantee that the accounts are being visited with the help of Software CRM Mexico.


You have options in every screen. These screens can be accounts, contacts, prospects or opportunities. Among these options you can register calls, emailing, program events or register a task. This way, you won’t need to exit the program and go to a different window.

Monitor your Activities and stay Informed with the tasks

Each of the registered activities gives you the ability to capture the obtained results with the CRM Manufacturer. These activities might be event, task orc call. By this method with CRM Software in Mexico, you won’t only keep registry of the tasks with an account or prospect, you will also know the obtained result for each of them.

Never again forget about your Important Tasks

You also have a synthesized screen to give the seller more control over their processes with the CRM Manufacturer. In this screen you will have a calendar of all the agreed meetings and tasks to be done with CRM Software in Mexico. These tasks can be emails, notes and calls. You can keep in a single view every pending task to be done and also know what you’ve already completed with the custom CRM.

Facilitates the accomplishment of your Goals and Objectives

From the starting screen you will be shown how you’re progressing towards your goals with CRM Software in Mexico. You will also have access to the main indicator and the activities to be done, ordered by which are for today and which are already expired in the custom CRM. This same screen also works for sales manager with the CRM Manufacturer. They will be able to filter the information of the sellers and monitor their progress and the follow up that is being given to prospects and accounts.


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