How to Present the Results of Employee Surveys?

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How to Present the Results of Employee Surveys? If you want your company to be successful, you need happy, productive, and engaged employees. But you won’t know how you are faring in these areas just by guessing. For this, you need to take the time to gather data, set a base-line, and then work to improve on your future results.


Innatos - people workingA great way to do this is to carry out regular employee engagement surveys. These can allow you to assess the state of your employees’ minds. How to Present the Results of Employee Surveys? In them, you can ask them questions about how they feel about certain aspects of your organization. Some of these questions can be what they like or not about their jobs and their workplace.


The results from these surveys can help you improve your organizational culture and overall performance. Besides, they can also allow you to build the trust of your employees towards you. Not only that but thanks to them you will be able to identify any long-term trends emerging within your company.


Once your employees complete the survey, you should prepare yourself to share the findings with them. Remember, as this will help you to build trust, it doesn’t matter how bad the results are. This, in turn, will make employees feel more comfortable sharing information in future surveys.


Moreover, if the results are bad, keeping or hiding the findings can create more hostility and mistrust. This can further add to any negative feelings your employees may be feeling.


Tips for releasing the survey results include:


  • Having the information come from your senior leadership team – ideally your CEO or an executive in charge of organizational performance or human resources.
  • Releasing your survey results as quickly as possible – some organizations make the mistake of holding off for many months, which creates mistrust.
  • Remind your employees why the survey happened – you need to reassure your staff about what your intentions were in gathering this data.
  • Tell them what the data is showing you – if it shows that there is room for improvement, say so. If your staff is happy and engaged, celebrate this.
  • Tell them what you will be doing with this feedback – now that you have the information, what are you planning on doing with it? Do you have strategies to solve problems? Will you be taking steps to address them?
  • Show visuals if possible – people don’t always enjoy reading slabs of text and lots of statistics. Create charts or infographics to go along with the release of your data. This will be more engaging for employees.
  • Deliver results in a way that you know the staff will actually get them. For this consider using a new communications solution. An example of this is DeskAlerts, as it guarantees the delivery of your important internal messages. To do this, it sends pop-up notifications and links straight to your employees’ desktops.

Additional information, How to Present the Results of Employee Surveys?


Innatos - How to Present the Results of Employee Surveys? - peopleYou must create surveys that not only focus on getting data. So, they should aim at changing your organization. For this, you must implement changes and improvements based on their results.


Your leadership team should be prepared to take action based on the results of your survey. For this, they must identify areas where change is needed. How to Present the Results of Employee Surveys? After, they should implement strategies to make the needed improvements.


Besides, you must also carry out regular surveys. This way you can compare data and determine if any of the strategies you’ve implemented have worked. If not, you might need to work a little bit more to come up with the solutions to your issues.

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