Advantages of Custom Applications

Advantages of Custom Applications

Advantages of Custom Applications

Custom software development is the design of software applications for a user or for an organization. This program is designed to meet your needs precisely in contrast to the more traditional and widespread system available on the market. This is normally created for a specific entity, either by a third party by contract or by an internal group of developers and its resale is not allowed. Despite the spectrum and diversity, the software market is often unable to meet the demands of the full range of modern business processes and management approaches. It is common for many companies to want their information system to have some unique features. In these conditions, the company must turn to IT specialists to adapt to the concerns of the existing business processes or create new ones. In this article we will go deeper in the advantages of custom applications and how can they impact on the business productivity.

Advantages of Custom applications

Today there are more than a million mobile applications for businesses with various purposes and functions, however, sometimes it is difficult for them to fully fit our needs and that forces us to use more than one to complete a particular task, which reduces the productivity and effectiveness of our actions. The fact that it is tailor-made for your business means that it is made to solve a specific problem or to help improve workflow within your company, allowing you to optimize resources and save execution costs. In order to develop a service of this type, the most important thing is to have a team of IT specialists who have experience in this type of solution.

The process of custom software applications

One of the biggest changes that have occurred in companies in recent years has been marked by the nature and conception of business applications themselves. If some years ago it was the companies who had to adapt to the characteristics of the tools, now the opposite is true. It is the management tools that must adapt to the business processes of the companies. How? Through the development of applications in different programming languages, with new software as they follow a process:

Process Custom Software


  • Definition of the project: Clarity in ideas and what is needed, which implies a detailed description of the requirements.
  • Planning: Once the quotes are evaluated, the planning of the project begins in a work schedule.
  • Analysis of the requirements: Define in detail the requirements and clarity in the main and secondary flows, hold meetings so that the team can be aligned with the software.
  • Application design: The main screens of the application are designed and a flow is created with them. They are presented to the customer and improvements are received and applied based on the feedback.
  • Software development: The defined requirements will serve the programming team to progressively advance and show progress. In this process, new technologies have been created with which many companies are already taking advantage of and overcoming development barriers. An example of this innovation are containers, which have facilitated the process of creating and deploying applications in any work environment and operating system.
  • Launch: The application is published. At this stage, the application is configured for launch.

What are the advantages of custom applications?

Developing your own computer systems and applications is one of the most important ways to optimize and manage a company’s business processes. This revolution has not only reached users, but also companies, and its main benefits are:

Tailor-made suit
Robust and adapted, with updated and developed technology to satisfy the client’s business requirements. 100% adapted to your circumstances and needs.

Constant maintenance
As many times and as long as necessary, evolutionary, corrective maintenance and technical support that include: updates, evolution reports, personalized support, etc.

Custom software enables program integration, which is particularly beneficial for companies that require numerous software programs.

Minimal cost
Developing custom business applications for companies is higher than purchasing a ready-made product, but the long-term benefits are much more valuable. In addition, you have to take into account the additional cost involved in paying for licenses, among other things.

Tech Support
Business applications provide the efficient and reliable technical support that companies need to maintain their systems.

Resource management
The custom application enables better management of your company’s resources to satisfy all the needs for which it is developed. Save on resources and gain satisfaction! There is greater efficiency of the resources that are needed.

These tools allow you to create and work with adapted and optimized databases. The result? Better commercial impacts and business opportunities.

Custom applications are designed to optimize own processes and not generic systems which will give you a higher value against other companies that use commercial applications.

Own applications allow the use of security mechanisms that are less vulnerable to third-party attacks, unlike those used by mass market applications.

Better adapted and capable developments to evolve according to the business. Greater flexibility.

Easy and intuitive interface
The functionality and efficiency of the system are taken into account, with an intuitive and easy-to-use interface.

Above all, when creating, modifying and deleting containers. It is a broad, simple and scaled process that facilitates simplicity and efficiency in development.

Adapted to all teams
This personalized software allows you to adapt it to all the teams in your company and to the specific needs of each one of them.

Added value
Having an internal service of this type allows you to offer added value to your clients since working times and internal communication within the company will improve substantially by dedicating the time they need to your clients.


Web developers Mexico


There are a many benefits to custom application development. And with increasingly complex internal systems and increasingly specialized companies, customization is becoming more the norm than the exception. But “custom” doesn’t have to mean “expensive.” By leveraging existing software and customizing with bolt-on solutions, you gain many of the customization benefits without a tremendous cost.
For most organizations, it’s about choosing a software “hub” and then custom-building applications from that underlying software that suit their unique needs. So now you know the main advantages of custom applications an their impact on any company, contact us and together let´s create the success you need for your company.


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