Communication in higher education can pose challenges as universities and colleges

Communication in higher education can pose challenges as universities and colleges are large, and often complex, organizations. The typical higher education institution will encompass many buildings, sometimes across multiple campuses with many thousands of employees and students. Different schools and faculties have their own internal cultures, policies and facilities. Some universities and colleges also have residential facilities, while others do not.


The nature of these institutions often means that communication between different areas of the organization doesn’t flow very well: there can be information “silos” and collaboration and knowledge sharing outside different work teams can be difficult.


Creating a culture of communication within a university or college can seem daunting… but it is necessary if you want to ensure that information is exchanged smoothly and important directives from the institution’s administration are widely shared so that the correct policies and procedures are being followed.


It is also important so that when a critical or urgent situation develops, large numbers of people can be informed in a timely manner.


  • College and university internal communications: the importance of alerting software
  • In modern world, people relies on technology as their primary communication way.  
  • There are many software systems on the market that encourage and foster information sharing to improve internal communications.
  • Desk Alerts is an intern communication tool that sends alerts to your computer, phone and tablet. Messages are sent and received in real time.
  • When sending to computers, the messages can appear even if it is on standby or screensaver mode and will appear regardless of what other task the computer user is engaged in at the time.


Key capabilities of DeskAlerts to improve communications in the higher education sector


DeskAlerts has lots of different features designed to make internal communications in any organization quicker, easier and more effective.


For the higher education sector, some of the capabilities that are most useful include:


Innatos - Communication in higher education can pose challenges as universities and collegesMulti-channel messaging, Communication in higher education 


DeskAlerts is a multi communications tool that allows you to use multiple internal communication channels to send messages to different members of the college population. 


Emergency communication


When you need to communicate quickly in an emergency situation such as a fire, active shooter, gas leak or earthquake you can do it at the press of a button with one click sending an alert message that lets you warn the entire university.


There are times where you will want to communicate with every single staff member and student… and then times where doing so would be overkill. Sometimes you may need to reach specific groups of people for example all engineering students, all members of the Law faculty, every one based on a particular campus, or just members of one particular class. DeskAlerts lets you send to niche, custom audiences.


Scheduling and timing


On a busy university or college campus, you can save time by scheduling communications in advance and set the time and date to send announcements.


100% read rate, Communication in higher education 


DeskAlerts can be set to send in a recurring manner to remind staff to read or act on any unopened messages. You can set the interval for frequency of messages being sent from every four hours or to as little as minutes depending on the urgency of your message. This method ensures that your high-priority messages will be read by 100% of staff.




You can preview how messages will look as a quality control measure prior to actually sending them. Real-life examples of DeskAlerts in university internal communications.


University communications


Universities and colleges around the world are using DeskAlerts to improve internal communications on their campuses and solve different communications issues that they were having.


Universite Catholique de Louvain is Belgium’s largest French-speaking university. They needed a way to send important messages to the entire organization. They introduced their own solution, but it lacked some of the essential features they needed. With DeskAlerts they now send better-shaped messages and rely on the reporting to determine who has seen their messages.


Saint Anne is a private school that lacked a communication system and so they needed a way to send important information to classes. After using DeskAlerts the school can now send notifications to different classrooms in the school.


Henry Ford Community College in the USA has been using email and SMS to communicate with students and staff. However, in the class environment, students and teachers often turn their phones off so as not to disrupt the class. Email posed its own issues as it relied on the person to be looking at their email during class time to see a message in a timely manner. The school chose DeskAlerts as a computer-based notification system to send messages to every computer fast.


Embracing technology to improve communication on your campus has a wide range of benefits. A platform like DeskAlerts has endless possibilities for emergency and nonemergency communications.


How effective are internal communications in your school? Communication in higher education 


Take the opportunity to examine how and when you communicate and see how it measures up against a college mass notification system that will enhance your communications strategy, improve safety, streamline communications, save time and help to build a connected and engaged school community.


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